
CO₂ Responsible with Ecologi | 2.2K Trees



Planting trees to help our planet  ꕤ

THE FOSSIL STORE™ plants a tree for every order with Ecologi, helping to recover more than our own carbon footprint used throughout our resources from fabrication processes, manufacturing and transportation of our products.

E.G. For every 100 trees planted, we restore CO₂ emissions for a London to San Francisco return flight; ("totalling 8619.80 KM"), equivalent to 0.15119 KG per KM of CO₂ per person - total flight emissions for one person is 1303.23 KG [1.3 tonnes] based on UK government (GGR) greenhouse gas reports. 

Ecologi perfectly resonates with THE FOSSIL STORE™ ethos

If the all businesses supported, and implemented small changes we could collectively reverse 30+ years of carbon damage and would avoid 1,500 billion tonnes of CO2 - THE FOSSIL STORE™

We plant trees with Ecologi